Jan 29, 2008

Black Holes & Revelations

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a writer. Nor do I know a lot about some of the things I love. But I do want to write about things that I love. Those things being music, video games, books, television, cars, technology, internet.... Let's just say I love lots of things, o.k.? Anyway, my friend Ryan just introduced me to a band called Muse, specifically the album Black Holes & Revelations. Now that I've heard the album in its entirety, a few times, ,I feel somewhat comfortable in giving a rating of sorts. I understand that I'm treading on sticky ground here, due to the varying tastes of peoples music. I do however have the best taste in music. J/K. Just take my reviews with a grain of salt and try it if you like what I have to say.

In general I really enjoyed the experience. The album seems to be a commentary of sorts sprinkled with reminders (to me) of other bands, such as U2, The Killers, Radiohead, Pet Shop Boys, and Robb Zombie. Some of the songs seem too political, such as Soldiers Poem and Exo-Politics. I respect their views but I don't usually want to be reminded of such things when I'm enjoying music.

Invincible, Assassin, and City of Delusion really made me feel like jamming. Nice guitars and beats sweetly intermixed with synthesizers gave these songs depth as well as variety. Starlight kind of took me back to simpler times of my life, really reminding me of feelings of falling in love (I know, but I'm a lover deep down).

Knights of Cydonia is a rocking song that is featured on the Guitar Hero III videogame. Playing the song in the game is technically challenging but fun to play. Most importantly it's a good listen and is a great climax to the album, if you will.

1 comment:

ryanrobot said...

agreed! I find myself going back and listening to this album. It's one of those albums that I am not satisfied by listening to one or two songs - I always end up listening to the majority of it.