Feb 28, 2008

World Wide Telescope

When I was in the fourth and fifth grades I wanted nothing more in the world more than to be an astronaut when I grew up. I was enamored with astronomy and most of all discovery. So, when I watched this video it really took me back to that time. I read a lot of things on the web, I peruse hundreds of stories everyday, it's rare that I find one that moves me, inspires me, or makes me feel that the world we live in is great. Lame, right? My personal feelings. I hope you enjoy this video and that it impacts you like it has me.

I recommend that you download the High Res .mp4 (QuickTime). But you can watch the flash version below if you don't want to go to the trouble.

The website mentioned in the video is here. I can't wait to see this.

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