May 10, 2010

A letter to my facebook friends.

After almost 3 years; I'm leaving facebook. I will delete my account on Friday, May 14th. Why? To put it simply, the juice is no longer worth the squeeze.

It's been a hard decision. I'm leaving behind some comedy gold from old posts. I'm leaving behind past conversations and experiences I've shared with my friends and family. I'm leaving behind renewed connections to people who I once knew. I'm leaving behind an important tool for expressing myself. These things that I value are being eclipsed by the constant changes that have been going on at facebook.

I value certain aspects of my privacy and I want to control what and who I share that information with. As time has gone by on facebook I control less and less of that. In turn they make more and more money from that information. I'm tired of being pounded by all of the requests for the latest crap farm game. I'm tired of knowing that every time one of my friends adds an application, my info is being given to the application publisher. I'm tired of reading about the boring, mundane, "my life is the best" posts by people who I really don't give a shit about. I'm especially tired of censoring myself for fear of offending certain people (even though they aren't afraid to voice their opinions). And really, at the end of the day, most of you guys really don't give a flying finger fuck about me or what I have to say.

I won't go on any further, but if your interested in reading about some privacy issues, read here.

If anyone is interested in staying connected with me there are numerous other social websites that I dwell in. You name it, I'm probably already there. I can forward that info if you wish. There's also email; if you don't already have my address, let me know... If you're worthy you can have it. ;)

Thanks guys,


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